Who We Are

Our team
UNCOMN has an experienced, multi-disciplined team of solution architects, cloud engineers, agile software developers, and database engineers. We have successfully migrated complex legacy applications and employed a DevSecOps, Continuous Integration / Continuous Development (CI/CD), automated approach in our customer engagements. Our team has extensive experience with serverless solutions as well as managing large data sets and providing big data analytics. We are one of the few small businesses in the St. Louis metro area that is an AWS Partner. With UNCOMN, you get the technology and power of the cloud with the customer service and care of a local business.

Our Process


Our team works diligently with customers to assess their environment, cloud-readiness, project requirements, budget and schedule constraints, and business goals.


Based upon customer needs, we evaluate processes, propose services, and develop rapid prototypes and concepts that leverage our existing capabilities, templates, and reusable approaches to inform our cloud-based design approach.


We manage the implementation of cloud infrastructure, platform, and application services, constantly working with customers to receive continual feedback from users until services are deployed.


Our work does not end with launching your solution. We provide continuous management to optimize service usage, minimize spending, implement updates, automate patching, reduce downtime, and ensure performance and reliability.

Customer Use Cases

Technologies We Love

Javascript Node.js Java GitHub GitLab Chef Serverless Kubernetes AWS logo Docker My Sql PostgreSQL Microsoft SQL Server Oracle SonarCube Ansible Jenkins Nexus SaltStack Artifactory
We use the latest web and mobile technologies to deliver a fluid and responsive user experience. UNCOMN's cloud ingenuity provides a serverless architecture for your custom applications which utilizes full-stack cloud technologies to reduce operating costs, provide secure data storage, and ensure the reliability of your application.

Find out what we can do for you

Contact Us

Find us at the office

735 Seibert Road, Suite 1
Scott Air Force Base, IL 62225

Give us a ring

(618) 744-9777
Mon - Fri, 8:00-5:00

735 Seibert Road, Suite 1 | Scott Air Force Base, IL 62225 | (618) 744-9777 | info@uncomn.com
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